Thoughts from Dr. Luke: Coronavirus Subvariant XBB.1.5 and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Posted by Dr. Luke on
After months and months of SARS-CoV-2, one has emerged in the United States which overwhelms the rest: XBB.1.5, an Omicron offshoot that the World Health Organization (WHO) is warning as the most transmissible yet. Roughly 75 percent of new cases in the northeastern United States at the moment are cases of this subvariant. But “the estimated infection rise doesn’t appear to be nearly as steep as the rise of the original Omicron variant BA.1. It doesn’t yet appear to be closely linked to hospitalizations in the places where it’s gained a foothold so far,” says Shaun Truelove, an infectious disease modeler at Johns Hopkins University.
Though Covid hospitalizations appear to be on the rise nationwide, experts don’t project this Omicron subvariant alone to cause a spike — forecasts from early data suggest they’ll remain fairly steady, Céline Gounder, an infectious disease specialist and senior fellow at the Kaiser Family Foundation, said. Holiday travel, social gatherings and colder weather are factors in the rising hospitalization rate.
“This may be more transmissible, but it’s not necessarily translating into more hospitalizations and deaths in the population at large,” she added.

All of this raises familiar concerns: more illness, longer COVID, more hospitalizations, more strain on the healthcare system. With holiday cheer and cool temperatures crowding people indoors, and bivalent vaccine uptake at a miserable low, a winter wave was already brewing in the US. The impending dominance of a particularly fast, immune-avoidable variant could strengthen.
But the American public has heard that warning many, many, many times – and, by and large, the situation hasn’t changed. The world has come a long way since early 2020, when there was a shortage of vaccines and medicines to fight the coronavirus. Now that immunity from past infections is spread across the planet – however porous and uneven that layer may be – the population is nowhere near as vulnerable to the worst effects of COVID.
The evolution of SARS-CoV-2 is still worth following closely through genomic surveillance – which only gets harder as testing efforts continue to be scaled back. But “variants now mean something different for most of the world than they did earlier in the pandemic,” says Emma Hodcroft, a molecular epidemiologist at the University of Bern in Switzerland, who tracks proportions of SARS-Cov-2 variants around the world. Versions of the virus that can elude a subset of our immune defenses will eventually come as long as SARS-CoV-2 is with us — probably forever. It’s the classic host-pathogen arms race: viruses infect us. Hoping to avoid similarly severe reinfection, our bodies build defenses that trick the invader into altering their properties so they can infiltrate us again.
Hodcroft states that “it’s become terribly easy for the coronavirus to keep experimenting with new ways to weaken our immune defenses. XBB.1.5 is both the product and catalyst of unchecked spread. But antibodies aren’t the only defense in play.
Thoughts from Dr. Luke
Dr. Luke recommends Meridian Energy Analysis Systems to asses how Coronavirus Subvariants, flu, and/or RSV is damaging your organ energy functions.
Dr. Luke highly recommends these protocols with the use of newvita’s Nano Herbs Lights.
It allows patients to achieve the results of acupuncture without the use of needles. It enhances cell growth and re-balances the cell's DNA structure.
Nano Herbs Lights’ main functions include: 700 conditions like slowing down the aging process, cosmetic improvement, scalp enhancement, pain management, meridian organ rebalance, immune system rebalance, and energy support for cancer patients.
Dr. Luke also recommends the following protocols to support and promote better immune system, or manage chronic side effects of vaccination. These herbal supplements and nano herbs light treatment are prepared according to Dr. Luke's proprietary methods that have been developed over forty years of clinical research.
To support and promote better immune system:
1. Immuny ll, 4 Virus and Detox herbal supplements, two capsules each, 2-3 times a day.
2. Nano Vita Water, 10 drops mixed with 10 oz of distilled water daily
3. Nano Herbs Light for self-care at mouth, uvula, nose, ears, eyes, lungs, and kidneys daily
To manage chronic side effects of vaccination:
1) Take newvita’s herbal protocol for prevention: Nano vita water, Immuny ll, 4 Virus, and Detox.
2) For symptoms of headache or dizziness, joint pain and neurological symptoms, use newvita’s herbal protocol PLUS Auto Immuny ll, 4 Pain
3) For symptoms of chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety and brain fog, use newvita’s herbal protocol PLUS Mega Energy, Be Happy, At Ease and Vita Brain.
Since this pandemic, Dr. Luke has seen many patients who are under these protocol for prevention and post-vaccination management. Some were tested positive with COVID. They’re able to return to work after two weeks. (We have not seen any case with rebound and long haul Covid in more than 2 years!!)
By taking these measures, you are not only helping yourself but also the potential spread to friends, family and the community.
Thank you for your continued trust and loyalty as we work together to fight this virus.