Premium Herbal Supplements for People by Body Systems
Circulatory System

The circulatory system is comprised of your heart and blood vessels. Its function is the transportation of oxygen, nutrients and hormones throughout the body and elimination of cellular metabolic waste.
Digestive System
The digestive system is comprised of your stomach, small intestine, large intestine, pancreas, liver and gallbladder. Its function is the mechanical and chemical degradation of food with purpose of absorbing into the body and using it as energy.
Integumentary System
Your body's skin and hair are part of the integumentary system which is comprised of skin, sweat glands and sensory receptors. Its function is the physical protection of the body surface, sensory reception and vitamin synthesis.
Endocrine System
The endocrine system is a collection of glands (such as pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands) scattered throughout the body that act to produce hormones. Its function is the production of hormones in order to regulate a wide variety of bodily functions (e.g. menstrual cycle, sugar levels, etc).
Immune / Lymphatic System
The immune/lymphatic system is a network of lymphatic vessels that drains excess tissue fluid from the body, filters it through lymph nodes, exposes it to white blood cells of the immune system and returns the fluid to the circulatory system. Its function is the draining of excess tissue fluid and immune defense of the body.
Musculoskeletal System
The musculoskeletal system is comprised of all muscles in the body as well as bones and cartilages. Its function is mechanical support, posture and locomotion.
Nervous System
The nervous system is comprised of the brain, spinal cord and sensory organs. Its function is the initiation and regulation of vital body functions, sensation and body movements.
Reproductive System
The reproductive system is comprised of sex organs which work together to contribute towards the reproduction process. Its function is the production of reproductive cells and contribution towards the reproduction process.
Respiratory System
The respiratory system is comprised of the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and lungs. Its function is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and air as well as acid/base balance regulation and phonation.
Urinary System
The urinary system is comprised of your kidneys and bladder. Its function is the filtration of blood and eliminating waste by producing and excreting urine.