Thoughts from Dr. Luke: TCVM for Your Companion Animals (Part 4)
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How can my companion animal(s) benefit from Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine? Because its emphasis on both disease prevention and treatment, companion animals benefit from TCVM. As a comprehensive form of treatment, TVCM considers the interrelationship of all the patient's symptoms. The goal of treatment is to restore health rather than only alleviate symptoms.Ironically, TCM's use of arcane concepts and general metaphoric approach to medicine make it valuable for treating sickness in a modern society. "...a response to an acupuncture treatment or herbal formula frequently suggests that a particular diet might be helpful." A response to an acupuncture treatment or herbal...
News Headline: Acupuncture and Eastern Remedies Bring Relief
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TCVM Research Update: Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine to Treat Oral Cancer in a Labrador Retriever
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by Cynthia Redfield, DVM Am J Trad Chin Vet Med 2022; 17(2): 39-45 Abstract A 5-year-old male Labrador retriever was presented for traditional Chinese veterinary medicine (TCVM) evaluation and treatment after a diagnosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma of the right rostral mandible. The large tumor (5x4x1 cm) displaced the right mandibular canine tooth, lower incisors and extended ventrally under the tongue. A guarded prognosis had been given by an oncologist with an estimate of 3-6 months survival with palliative care. With the dog’s quality of life the most important consideration, the owner elected to try an integrative medicine...
Thoughts from Dr. Luke: Effective Herbal Treatment Correlated with MEAS (Part 2)
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Effective Herbal Treatment Correlated with Meridian Energy Analysis Systemby Luke Cua. Ph.D.OMD.CA.3. What are the twelve meridians? The theory of the twelve meridians deals with the human body's physiological function changes, pathological changes, and also their relationship with each organ. It is one of the most vital parts of traditional Chinese medicine. Twelve meridians translate into twelve paths, twelve branches, and twelve networks, which run through our body connecting our internal organs with our external body. If a patient's meridian is abnormal, it will be shown through the electric resistance change from the relative acupuncture points. For example, if the...
Thoughts from Dr. Luke: TCVM for Your Companion Animals (Part 3)
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What conditions are most often treated with Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine? With the exception of conditions that requires surgery, TCM can promote and support optimal health for any health condition. The usage of anesthetic medications during some surgical operations can be decreased thanks to the use of acupuncture to help patients achieve sedation or anesthesia. Inflammatory bowel illness, hormone imbalances, epilepsy, allergies, cancer, kidney and liver failure, behavioral issues, and chronic lameness are a few common ailments that can be successfully treated with TCVM. Where can I find out more about Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine? newvita set out to...