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Recommendation of Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad, MD, DC, L.Ac.,Ph.D.

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Dr. Nambudripad conducted research in the U.S. over the past 35 years resulting in the development of a new and effective approach, known as Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET®), for diagnosis and treatment of allergies and allergy-related health disorders. Principal investigator of a case-controlled study autism using 60 autistic children. Worked as a research associate with University of California Irvine (UCI) in year 2002. She is a nationally known speaker. A quote from Dr. Nambudripad about Dr. Luke Cua’s Contribution to NAET"Dr. Cua from New Vita® Institute of Integrative Medicine and American Herbal Laboratories, Inc. has attended our symposiums regularly...

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Recommendation of Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, MD

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A graduate of Harvard University and the University of Michigan Medical School (1969). Dr. Wright established Tahoma Clinic in 1973 in Washington State to offer nutritional and other natural therapies for common health conditions instead of patent medications. He is a long- time researcher, author, speaker, and clinician, he has educated physicians in his techniques since 1983. A Letter from an Integrative Medicine Pioneer - Dr. Jonathan V. Wright "Dr. Luke Cua’s system allows practitioners who ( like me) were not taught Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in medical school to easily utilize TCM herbal formulas with their  patients, extending our...

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Recommendation of Dr. Mimi Guarneri, MD, FACC, ABOIM

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Dr. Mimi Guarneri, MD, FACC, ABOIMPresident, Academy of Integrative Health and MedicineCo- Founder and Medical Director of Guarneri Integrative Health, Inc.,Co-Founder and Medical Director of Pacific Pearl, La JollaBoard Certified in cardiovascular disease, Internal Medicine, and Integrative Holistic Medicine  She is deeply committed to expand integrative medicine, education and research globally.A quote from one of the most well-known integrative doctors - Dr. Mimi Guarneri"Dr. Luke Cua is a master teacher of Traditional Chinese Medicine. His book captures pearls to apply immediately into clinical practice."

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