Thoughts from Dr. Luke: TCVM for Your Companion Animals (Part 1)
Posted by Dr. Luke on
What is the history of Traditional Chinese Medicine in veterinary medicine?
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been used in Eastern cultures to promote and support optimal health for humans for thousands of years. Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) uses the same concepts and techniques for diagnosis and treatment to treat companion animals for a similar period of time. Practitioners of veterinary medicine in China undergo an rigorous training program in TCVM, which parallels the training programs for TCM practitioners.
"Dr. Luke Cua’s one-day Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Training Class will help you increase treatment results."Following the completion of their veterinary degrees, practitioners of TVCM in the West typically have completed additional training in the theory and application of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Although years of study under qualified instructors are necessary to fully grasp TCM, the fundamentals of TCVM can be studied in paced courses and applied to clinical cases successfully.

Dr. Luke Cua offers Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Training Class throughout the year. You can learn a standard TCM analysis system to get objective finding with Meridian Energy Analysis. Dr. Luke Cua’s simple Treatment System will help you increase treatment results from traditional 30% to approximately 90%. This one day revolutionary training class is worth more than years of traditional classes. Click HERE to learn more. We also recommend purchase and review of his book Chinese Medicine Made Simple before attending the class.
Where can I find out more about Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine?
newvita set out to supporting our companion animals' health with 100% premium Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine. Click HERE to learn more.
What other Veterinarians and Owners of Companion Animals are saying about newvita?
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