Patients' Written Testimonials with Detail Primary Body Systems
Promote health with New Vita's 100% natural premium herbal supplements.
newvita 100% premium herbal supplement promote optimal health with Traditional Chinese Medicine for you and your loved ones, which can be categorized by the systems of the body that they support.
Here is a SHORT LIST of what patients are saying about Dr. Luke and his new vita products by primary body systems:
- Circulatory System: Blood Circulation and Heart (Click HERE for reviews)
- Digestive System: Digestion, Gall Bladder, Liver, Pancreas & Spleen (Click HERE for review)
- Integumentary System: Aging, Beauty, Hair, Skin (Click HERE for review)
- Endocrine System: Adrenal Glands, Detox, Hormone, Metabolism, Thyroid (Click HERE for review)
- Immune / Lymphatic System: Immunity (Click HERE for review)
- Muscular / Skeletal System: Bone, Muscles (Click HERE for review)
- Nervous System: Energy, Hearing, Mentality, Sleep, Stress (Click HERE for review)
- Reproductive System: Men, Prostate, Women (Click HERE for review)
- Respiratory System: Breath, Respiration, Sinus (Click HERE for review)
- Urinary System: Bladder, Kidney, Urinary (Click HERE for review)
Here is a DETAIL LIST of what patients are saying about Dr. Luke and his new vita products by primary body systems, their functions, and reviews for each one.
Circulatory System

The circulatory system is comprised of your heart and blood vessels. Its function is the transportation of oxygen, nutrients and hormones throughout the body and elimination of cellular metabolic waste.
- Circulatory System: Blood Circulation and Heart (Click HERE for reviews)
Digestive System
The digestive system is comprised of your stomach, small intestine, large intestine, pancreas, liver and gallbladder. Its function is the mechanical and chemical degradation of food with purpose of absorbing into the body and using it as energy.
- Digestive System: Digestion, Gall Bladder, Liver, Pancreas & Spleen (Click HERE for review)
Integumentary System
Your body's skin and hair are part of the integumentary system which is comprised of skin, sweat glands and sensory receptors. Its function is the physical protection of the body surface, sensory reception and vitamin synthesis.
- Integumentary System: Aging, Beauty, Hair, Skin (Click HERE for review)
Endocrine System
The endocrine system is a collection of glands (such as pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands) scattered throughout the body that act to produce hormones. Its function is the production of hormones in order to regulate a wide variety of bodily functions (e.g. menstrual cycle, sugar levels, etc).
- Endocrine System: Adrenal Glands, Detox, Hormone, Metabolism, Thyroid (Click HERE for review)
Immune / Lymphatic System
The immune/lymphatic system is a network of lymphatic vessels that drains excess tissue fluid from the body, filters it through lymph nodes, exposes it to white blood cells of the immune system and returns the fluid to the circulatory system. Its function is the draining of excess tissue fluid and immune defense of the body.
- Immune / Lymphatic System: Immunity (Click HERE for review)
Musculoskeletal System
The musculoskeletal system is comprised of all muscles in the body as well as bones and cartilages. Its function is mechanical support, posture and locomotion.
- Muscular / Skeletal System: Bone, Muscles (Click HERE for review)
Nervous System
The nervous system is comprised of the brain, spinal cord and sensory organs. Its function is the initiation and regulation of vital body functions, sensation and body movements.
- Nervous System: Energy, Hearing, Mentality, Sleep, Stress (Click HERE for review)
Reproductive System
The reproductive system is comprised of sex organs which work together to contribute towards the reproduction process. Its function is the production of reproductive cells and contribution towards the reproduction process.
- Reproductive System: Men, Prostate, Women (Click HERE for review)
Respiratory System
The respiratory system is comprised of the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and lungs. Its function is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and air as well as acid/base balance regulation and phonation.
- Respiratory System: Breath, Respiration, Sinus (Click HERE for review)
Urinary System
The urinary system is comprised of your kidneys and bladder. Its function is the filtration of blood and eliminating waste by producing and excreting urine.
- Urinary System: Bladder, Kidney, Urinary (Click HERE for review)
Circulatory System
2022/03/04 Dr. Harry S., DC
Product(s): 4 Bleed
Review: the best natural product to help with bleeding!
2022/01/10 Dr. Trurina C., PhD, CTN, NC, NP
Product(s): Heart Ease
Review: Great Product. Excellent Results!
2018/08/02 Dr. Aaron O.
Product(s): Hipertension
Review: very good product help me personally great deal
2018/07/05 Vanessa E.
Product(s): Heart Ease
Review: Very beneficial. Great product. Had heart palpitations, heart ease took care of it
08/08/2019 Johnson C.
I had Hypertension. I had been taking Atenolol 50mg / day for 5 years. I tried supplements Hipertention and Pancris Ease. Now I'm free of Atenolol and remain good blood pressure for about 4 years.
Name: Motti S.
Diagnosis: high blood pressure, sweating, poor sleep
Before your treatment: high blood pressure, sweating, poor sleep
The supplement that I have taken: Hypertension, Vita Sleep, Male Plus, At Ease
After your treatment: Normal blood pressure, 50% reducing in night sweat, normal sleep pattern
Name: Diane S.
Diagnosis: Hypertension
Before your treatment: lower back pain when sitting for more than 15 years, fatigue even with 9 hours of sleep, fast heart rate
The supplement that I have taken: Hipertension, Kidney Ease, Pancris Ease, Nano Vita Water, Nano Herbs Light Therapy
After your treatment: hypertension under control, normal heart rate, lower back pain reduct by 70%
Digestive System
2023/03/01 Ms. H.
Product(s): Stomach Ease
Review: I travel a lot, stomach ease help relieve stomach discomfort after eating food that not used to your stomach
02/12/2019 Melissa B.
I've been struggling with acid reflux, bloating and stomach ache and worse after eating, even with medication. I've been taking Stomach Ease and De Stone Gall for the past 6 months. Now I feel 95% better.
Name: Gustavo C.
Before your treatment: pain on upper stomach after meal for 7 years, chest pain for 7 years, abdominal pain & bloating for 2 month, poor sleep, once wake up at night need at least 2 hours to fall asleep, fatigue, depression & anxiety
The supplement that I have taken: Nano Vita Water, Kidney Ease, At Ease, Vita Sleep, 4 Prostate, DeStone-Gall
After your treatment: occasional stomach pain after meal, occasional chest pain, no more abdominal pain, no more bloating, can go back to sleep easily, no more fatigue, able to handle stress much better
Integumentary System
2021/08/03 Kerri Z.
Product(s): Beauty Plus
Review: I am a fan. I love these products...It keeps me feeling young and pretty!
2021/02/01 Diane V.
Product(s): De Itch
Review: Very helpful for allergies.
2019/04/08 Dr. D.
Product(s): Beauty Plus Herbal Facial Cream
Review: Antiaging natural skin cream that works like a magic! I am regularly using this beauty cream from New Vita based on Irene and Dr. Cua’s recommendation for my dry skin on my face and on the back of my hands for the last six months. This chemical free, natural herbal cream formula is truly a marvelous discovery. I am very happy to report that my skin on my face and back of my hands feels very smooth and working just like they told me before I bought the product. I am very happy to recommend this product to anyone who seeks natural health product for daily use.
2018/09/25 Dr. D
Product(s): Nano Herbal Cream
Review: The Amazing Skin Cream that leaves your skin Soft and Smooth!
A couple of months ago, somebody gave me a gift of Beauty plus Nano herbs facial cream from New vita. I read the ingredients on the label: the cream made from natural Chinese herbs, the herbs I was familiar for boosting up the immune system. The very mild, natural herbal scent was inviting. The luxurious moisture-rich herbal elixir is thick and creamy without being greasy. I began applying the cream before bed on my face and back of my both hands where I was noticing some dryness lately. Just after a week’s regular use, I was amazed at the changes I found on my face and on the back of my hands. The dryness of the back of my hands was gone. The skin on my face appeared tighter, very smooth and worked like an anti-aging product on me. My friends noticed the change and commented that I looked a few years younger. I am very happy with this product over other products I used in the past as a regular moisturizer. This beauty plus Nano herbs is really a very good moisturizer for super-dry skin. This product is also very good to restore skin’s natural elasticity. Above all, the product with it’s natural herbal fragrance will make your skin feel baby soft and satin smooth. I highly recommend this New Vita Beauty plus Nano herbs for all - young or old, if you want to keep your skin smooth, if you want to look young and ward off dryness of the skin with a regular use.
08/08/2019 Johnson C.
I was coping with Post Shingles for about 1 month. I have consulted with various Western and Chinese doctors. Skin damage was healed, but severe damage is remaining. Severe nerves pain, can’t wear the clothes, painful to touch, cant work also. Sleeping hour : only 2 hours a night, appetite decreased. I have been taking supplements: 4 Virus, Immuny II, At Ease, De Itch Cream, Nano Herbs Light. Now I can wear the clothes, sleeping much better 4- 5 hours / night, and appetite has improved.
Name: Angel H.
Diagnosis: Itching scalp for 2 years
Before your treatment: Acne, oily skin and hair
The supplement that I have taken: De Cold, De Itch, Immunity II, Acne
After your treatment: Less oily skin and hair, less itching scalp,
Name: M M
Before your treatment: chronic itching, poor concentration, headache once a month for 2 days
The supplement that I have taken: Be Happy, At Ease, Pancris Ease, Detox, DeItch
After your treatment: Headache is gone, able to concentrate more, itchiness drastically less than before
3/30/2017 Kerri Z., Marina del Rey, CA
Dr. Cua is nothing short of a miracle worker!! Two years ago I injured my knee in a ballet class. I have had chronic issues ever since. Went to three western medicine docs - and no one could provide a solution. In 3 treatments my pain is gone! Dr. Cua told me he has been trained to cure nearly 10,000 different medical issues...that is one smart Doc. He also has been providing skin enhancement treatments -- and I have to tell you even the skin care specialists in my dermatologists office commented on how great my skin looks. I highly recommend him for anything that might be ailing you.
Endocrine System
2022/10/06 Olivier R.
Product(s): Hiper Thyroid
Review: The product I ordered is excellent, unfortunately I had to ask my brother (who lives in L. A.) to forward it to me because our company doesn't ship to France; A great shame!
2021/02/01 Diane V.
Product(s): Hipo Thyroid
Review: Have used Hipo Thyroid for hypothyroidism for years. Could not tolerate pharmaceutical medications. Tried this product and it has kept my thyroid function within normal limits with no sign of low thyroid symptoms.
Name: SP C.
Diagnosis: thyroid mass on left thyroid nodule
Before your treatment: needle biopsy, suspicious of follicular neoplasm, cell adenoma, etc
The supplement that I have taken: Immuny II, immuny 5, Pancris Ease
After your treatment: There is no morphological evidence of malignancy
Name: WY M.
Diagnosis: Hyperthyroidism
Before your treatment: fast heart rate, drastic weight loss, shaking hands, difficult bowel movement, lack of energy, poor appetite
The supplement that I have taken: Nano Vita Water, At Ease, Kidney Ease, Hiperthyroid, Hipertension, Auto Immuny II, Immuny II, Nano Herbs Light Therapy
After your treatment: normal heart rate, able to gain weight, no more shaking hands, improved bowel movement, more energetic, normal appetite
Immune / Lymphatic System
2022/07/01 Karen P.
Product(s): Immuny II
Review: Very effective. I take this with 4 virus to stay healthy in these times. Kept us all healthy no sickness
2021/02/01 Diane V.
Product(s): Immuny II
Review: No more problems with chronic fatigue and much reduced fibromyalgia pain with use of Immuny II
2021/02/01 Diane V.
Product(s): Auto Immuny II
Review: Excellent. Using it for knee rebuilding.
2018/05/10 Joshua C.
Product(s): Immuny 5
Review: Amazing products like all Dr. Luke's and new vitas products! Dr. JC
2018/04/24 Trurina C.
Product(s): Immune Up
Review: Wonderful product
10/22/2019 Jyh Fen C.
The result of my yearly HPV test are positive for two consecutive years. My pap test result is normal, but the colonoscopy finds mildly dysplasia, or mildly abnormal cells in the cervix. After one year of treatments of herbal light and supplements (4 Virus, Immuny II), the result from my HPV test this year came back Negative or normal!
08/01/2019 Katherine C.
I was diagnosed with Immunoglobulin G Subclass 4. I had consulted with other doctors. Western doctors I have consulted only have one treatment possible which is steroids administration in increasing dosage through time. I know the detriment steroids can do to my body long term so I sought alternative treatment with Dr. Luke Cua, who has been very careful and thorough in understanding my health issues and recommending appropriate treatment. After 1 year of taking New Vita Herb Supplements according to his prescription, my IgG4 result have gone down to normal 83.2 and my health seems better. I will continue to take them for preventative measures. Very grateful to Dr. Luke.
Supplements taken : Auto Immuny II , Immuny II, ME3, Lung Ease, Nano Vita Water, Tongue Acupuncture.
Muscular / Skeletal System
2022/08/03 Gale B.
Product(s): Bone-Skin-Nail-Hair
Review: My hair is growing.
6/12/19 Xiu L
I have arthritis on my right knee. I had difficulty walking straight, and need a walking cane to support me. I had difficulty moving up and down. With Dr. Luke's herbal supplements and treatments, I am able to walk easily without the aid from my cane. I am able to move up and down easily.
06/11/2019 Rosy V.
I had arthritis on both knees. I wasn’t able to walk for 7 years. I need to use walker to help and support me. Dr. Luke helped me with his one-needle Qi-Gong Acupuncture and Nano Herbs Light. Now I am able to walk without the aid from the walker.
5/6/2019 Jim G., Baldwin Park, CA
Dr. Luke is the man! I had a nagging back injury that had been hurting me for over 4+ years due to lifting a heavy beam over my head. Dr. Luke helped get rid of the scar tissue that was causing me so much pain for many years. It took some time, but little by little he worked me through it. I'm going to be bringing my daughter to him as well. Thanks Dr. Luke
Name: Patrick B.
Diagnosis: knee replacement
Before your treatment: walking 100 feet with pain
The supplement that I have taken: Bone-Skin-Nail-Hair, Auto Immuny II, Nano Vita Water
After your treatment: Walking 3-4 miles without pain
Nervous System
2022/09/02 Takako B.
Product(s): Vita Sleep
Review: My sleep is significantly better. I used to wake up 4-5 times a night, but Now I only wake up 1-2 times.
2022/08/01 Takako B.
Product(s): Vita Sleep
Review: Takes time but it really works. I was suffering from insomnia for years. My menopause only made it worse, I would wake up 4-5 times a night from hot flashes. Dr. Cua took time with me and consulted through FaceTime, and he prescribed this item along with 5 other products. After taking these 6 months, my sleep drastically improved and my hot flashes are much better. I only wake up only once if not never. This is not a quick cure like western medicine, but it really works by fixing your total health. Thank you so much Dr. Cua for your help!
2021/11/01 Diane V.
Product(s): 4 Pain
Review: Very helpful as all of the New Vita products I have used are.
2021/03/01 Dr. Jewel E., NMD
Product(s): At Ease
Review: Very calming and improves sleep. Clients show improvement.
2019/12/03 Dr. Jewel E., NMD
Product(s): 4 Pain
2019/04/03 Dr. J.
Product(s): Vita Sleep
Review: It is an excellent product and provides for deeper sleep and increased length of sleep for patients.
10/01/2019 William B.
I was diagnosed with Bell ‘s Palsy. Before treatment, I had left facial nerve paralysis, left tongue numbness, tingling, left ear numbness, hearing declined, left eyes can open, but can't close, can't hold the water when brushing teeth. Supplements that I have taken : Nano Vita Water, 4 Virus, Immuny 5, At Ease, Nano Herbs Light. Now my range of motor and numbness are much better by 95% in 3 months.
08/08/2019 Johnson C.
I had a car accident in Malaysia with left elbow fracture and dislocation, severe pain on left shoulder, and left wrist. I received many treatment in Hong Kong. My range of motion was very limited and weak. Right arm strength: 95lbs /100 lbs , Left arm strength : 50lbs /46lbs. I made a special trip to the US from Hong Kong to see Dr. Luke Cua. Supplements that I have taken: Nano Vita Water, Heart Ease. After Dr. Luke's treatment with Nano Herbs Light, Acupuncture, my both arm strength feel the same. All pain free.
07/23/2019 Jun X.
I struggle with fatigue, weakness, and poor sleep. I took Nano Vita Water, At Ease, TCM Liver Ease, Vita Breath, Nice Breath. I feel my energy and sleep are better by 80%.
3/5/2019 Arabella J., Kagel Canyon, CA
Dr Cua is a miracle worker!!! I had a migraine headache for 27 days and had seen several neurologists and numerous expensive migraine medicines and painkillers..nothing had given me any relief. My friend had recommended Dr Cua and I was quite reluctant to go see him because he was quite far away...I am so glad I did!!! 2 days after my first visit I was headache free and am have just seen him again...he is gentle, kind and thorough..and obviously brilliant!!!!
03/01/2019 Arabella J.
I had consulted with many doctors for my migraine headache. 27 days frequency in 1 month for almost 2 years. I took Nano Vita water, De Stone Gall, At Ease, Kidney Ease, Vita Brain, Nano Herbs Light and acupuncture treatment. After Dr. Luke's treatment, I only experience one in 4 days without painkiller.
02/12/2019 Melissa B.
I had right hip pain, right side low back pain, TMJ pain after the dental work.
I recevied treatment through Nano Herbs Light, acupuncture, and Dr. Luke's one needle Qi-Gong technique. After two treatments, my left TMJ pain was gone, and my right hip pain had reduced from 10 to 2.
11/17/2018 Rosa H.
I've been coping with depression, anxiety, fatigue, and abdominal pain. I've been taking newvita herbal supplements Immuny II, TCM Liver Ease, Pancris Ease, Heart Ease, Nano Vita Water. Now I have happy mood.
8/10/2018 Andrew S., Murrieta, CA
For the past couple months now I've been going to Dr. Cua for my anxiety and since then my anxiety has tremendously decreased. I have been suffering from severe anxiety now for about 6 years and of the 10 medications that other doctors gave none of them helped my condition. I feel completely safe when I take his all natural herbal medicine, there is no side effects at all. He is truly a gifted man that knows what he is doing. I literally I can not recommend him enough, he has changed my life for the better.
Name: Jane L.
Diagnosis: Poor sleep
Before your treatment: waking up earlier morning
The supplement that I have taken: Vita Sleep
After your treatment: Sleep deeply and can sleep lately
Name: LY H.
Diagnosis: poor sleep
Before your treatment: difficult to fall asleep. Usually had to wait 30 to 60 minutes to fall asleep.
The supplement that I have taken: Vita Sleep
After your treatment: fall asleep in 20-30 minutes. Sleep very well.
Name: HS S
Before your treatment: fatigue, can’t sleep
The supplement that I have taken: Be Happy, Vita Sleep
After your treatment: sleep better, less fatigue
Name: Nathan C.
Before your treatment: I get bad mood easily. Work a bit and get annoyed an aggrated easily. This would happen especially when I was with my parents and sister.
The supplement that I have taken: Be Happy
After your treatment: Although I still get annoyed, I found it easier to control my temper outbursts. These were less frequent and not as bad as before
Name: Brett J.
Diagnosis: ADD
Before your treatment: can’t listen to people talk well, shaky hands and legs, feel stressful
The supplement that I have taken: Be Happy
After your treatment: All better with 50% improvement
Name: Caroline Q.
Diagnosis: Bipolar Disorder
Before your treatment: depression, anxiety, mood swing, fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, night sweat
The supplement that I have taken: Be Happy
After your treatment: For 7 days, the above symptoms were reduced significantly. Continued treatment gets better and better.
Name: Theresa C.
Before your treatment: I feel tired all the time because I work too jobs
The supplement that I have taken: Mega Energy
After your treatment: I am full of energy after taking Mega Energy, don’t feel tired like I used to.
Name: Theresa C.
Before your treatment: I have problems going back to sleep after go to the bathroom at night
The supplement that I have taken: Vita Sleep
After your treatment: I can fall asleep as soon as I go back to bed after going to the bathroom
Name: Tamara B.
Diagnosis: ADD, moody, poor concentration, fatique
Before your treatment: wake up tired, poor appetite, severe crazy during menstrual cycle, day dreaming
The supplement that I have taken: TCM Liver Ease, Vita Brain, Pancris Ease, At Ease, Immune Up, Nano Vita Water, Nano Herbs Light Therapy
After your treatment: everything is getting better, and I don’t need to depend on medication and have better performance in school
Name: SP C.
Diagnosis: panic attack, depression, anxiety
Before your treatment: fear, can’t sleep well, cannot go back to sleep once after waking up at night, panic attack several times throughout the day, hot flashes
The supplement that I have taken: Be Happy, At Ease, Pancris Ease, Vita Sleep
After your treatment: less fear, sleep soundly, less panic attack during the day, less hot flashes
Name: Artemis O.
Diagnosis: depression, anxiety attack
Before your treatment: uncontrollable crying 3 times per week, fatigue daily, poor concentration, poor memory, poor bladder control, hot flashes, poor sleep
The supplement that I have taken: Be Happy, At Ease, Vita Sleep, Beauty Plus, Nice Breath, Nano Vita Water
After your treatment: no more uncontrollable crying, more energetic, able to concentrate better, able to remember things, more focus, less hot flashes, much better sleep
Reproductive System
2/1/2019 Carrie C., Enterprise, OR
I have been suffering with Endometriosis pains for two years straight. Literally pain every single day of my life! Every doctor that I have seen has either given up or simply didn't know how to help. I flew all the way from Oregon to California because I had heard of Dr Cua and was willing to try anything... Dr Cua gave me complete hope and is the first doctor to ever relieve my pain! He did various forms of Chinese medicine combined with his own practices that he intelligently designed. Not only did he give me my first pain free day in two years, but he also discovered other problems on my body that no other doctor had ever noticed before. He is attentive and won't rush you out. He spends lot's of time with you during appointments and shows genuine concern. I strongly recommend seeing him, he truly is a miracle worker!
Name: Gamona Y.
Diagnosis: hot flashes
Before your treatment: multiple hot flashes on a daily basis. Flashes included heavy sweats. Taking prescription hormone, but continued to have hot flashes.
The supplement that I have taken: Beauty Plus
After your treatment: Dramatic decrease in severity and frequency of hot flashes
Respiratory System
2021/08/03 Tracy S.
Product(s): Lung Ease
Review: Love this product!! Love lung ease so much! Only positive experience with this product
2021/02/01 Diane V.
Product(s): De Cold
Review: Very helpful for preventing colds. Use at first sign of a cold and it never takes hold.
2019/04/01 Dr. C.
Product(s): Vita Breath
Review: I have been using Vita Breath for years. It is dependable and easy on the stomach. The formula is great for lungs, immune system and energy. Dr. Cheryl Schwartz
07/20/2019 Stella L.
I've been on antibiotic for my bronchitis, sinus infection for weeks without improvement on my symptoms, even worse that my skin started cold sores around lips. I too Immuny II, De Cold, Detox, Antivirus (4 Virus). Within 24 hours, my symptoms were lessened, no congestion in chest & sinus less, cough & reduced sinus pain also feel more energy.
Name: Nashan C.
Diagnosis: allergies
Before your treatment: I had bad allergies back in the Midwest. Back when I came back to LA. I would still wake up with a stuffy nose and my nose would run.
The supplement that I have taken: Hey Feaver
After your treatment: My nose is completely clean and I haven’t sneezed or had any allergies.
Urinary System
2022/08/02 Bernadette H.
Product(s): Interstitial
Review: Blessed to have found this. I was on elmiron for years to treat my IC. After my new insurance refused to pay I came across this and to my amazement it works great. I have no pain. I recommend this product.
07/20/19 Hwa Ling C.
My father had gall bladder stone since age 60-70. One day he felt pain at age 103. Doctor can’t perform any surgery procedure. He took newvita's De Stone Gall. After only 2 days, he started to feel better and continued finishing one bottle and never felt pain.
Name: Edgar N.
Diagnosis: can’t urinate by myself
Before your treatment: I recently have had a surgery to remove c cyst on my kidney. After the surgery, I can’t urine any more even with the water pill. I have the catheter. I saw Dr. Cua and he prescribed me with the supplements and use nano herbs light for treatment.
The supplement that I have taken: Nano vita water, At Ease, Interstitial, Nano Herbs Light treatment
After your treatment: After last treatment, I have good result. I am able to urinate.