Chinese Herb Ingredients
All newvita products are made from 100% premium natural Chinese herbs harvested in America and Asia. For more information about Chinese herbs and their usage, please see below.
Magnolia Bark
Traditional Uses Dries dampness, removes fullness, moves chi...
Scientific Research - animals (1) Antispasmodic purpose: The decoction decreases the toxicity of extirpated intestinal tracts, relaxes tetanic contraction of the striated muscles, and paralyzes the nerve endings of motor neurons. (2) Antibacterial purpose: In vitro it inhibits typhoid bacteria, dysentery bacteria, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus. (3) Stomachic purpose: It stimulates the mucosa of the digestive tract, and produces reflex excitation. (4) Anthelmintic purpose: It eliminates Ascaris suis. (5) Other purposes: The extract inhibits the heartbeat, causes contraction of the blood vessels of toadsí lower limbs, and completely inhibits muscular contraction induced by acetylcholine
Medicated Leaven
Traditional Uses Promotes digestion, moves chi, strengthens spleen, resolves surface, for appetite, digestion
Scientific Research - animals Stomachic purpose: Amylase and yeast promote digestion and have a stomachic purpose.
Traditional Uses Disperses wind-heat, cleanses throat, promotes eruption...
Scientific Research - animals (1) Inhibition of central nervous system purpose: Animal studies show that a large dose of menthol suppresses the central nervous system, and can cause paralysis of the spinal cord. (2) Dilating blood vessels purpose: The oil when applied to frogs possesses a local vasodilating purpose and when applied to a rabbitís ear has a reddening purpose; it stimulates the skin, regulates the nerve center controlling body temperature, and dilates blood vessels, thus producing a sudorific purpose. (3) Inhibition of intestinal movement purpose: In vitro, the oil inhibits and paralyzes intestinal activities. (4) Analgesic and antipruritic purposes: When menthol is applied to the skin, it selectively stimulates nerve endings sensitive to cold, producing a sensation of coolness, and also has a local analgesic purpose.
Morinda Root
Traditional Uses Warms kidneys, supplements yang, strengthens muscles and bones, removes cold-warmth
Scientific Research - animals (1) Antibacterial purpose: In vitro the ethanol extract inhibits Bacillus subtilis. (2) Hypotensive purpose: It reduces blood pressure. (3) Cortical hormone-like It has biological purposes resembling those of the cortical hormones.
Mulberry Leaf
Traditional Uses Soothes liver wind and heat, cleanses liver, clears vision, for thirst
Scientific Research - animals Soothes liver wind and heat, cleanses liver, clears vision, for thirst.
Notoplerygium Rhizome
Traditional Uses Dispels wind, resolves surface, expels wind-damp and wind-cold
Scientific Research - animals (1) Antibacterial purpose: The ethanol extract of N. incisium inhibits the proliferation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (2) Antifungal purpose: It also inhibits the growth of dermatophytes. (3) Other purposes: N. incisium also has sudorific, antipyretic, and analgesic purposes..
Ophiopogon Tuber
Traditional Uses Cleanses yin, moistens dryness, removes heat, resolves phlegm, increases salivation, quenches thirst, moistens lungs, for Impairment of body fluids ,restlessness, thirst, dry throat, lack of body fluids
Scientific Research - animals (1) It has antipyretic, antitussive, expectorant, diuretic, cardiotonic, and tonify-ing purposes. (2) Blood sugar-lowering purpose: The aqueous extract lowers blood pressure for quite aí long period of time in both normal rabbits and those haying alloxan-induced diabetes. (3) Anti-inflammatory purpose: In mice, the ethanol extract inhibits swelling of feet caused, by carrageenin. (4) Antibacterial action: In vitro it possesses quite a strong inhibitory action on Staphylococcus albus, Escherlchia coli, and Bacillus typhi
Traditional Uses Tranquilizes spirit, stabilizes fright, reduces heat, removes toxin, as-tringes, promotes tissue regeneration, for Convulsions due to wind, restlessness of the mind and spirit
Scientific Research - animals (1) Gastric acid-neutralizing purpose: Its active constituent is calcium carbonate. (2) Antihistamine purpose: The hydrolyte of the outer layer of pearls catalyzed by sulfuric acid inhibits contraction of the intestinal tract due to histamine and also prevents death in guinea pigs due to histamine shock. (3) Antiallergic purpose: It prevents allergic responses in guinea pigs injected with horse serum. (4) Diuretic purpose: It can temporarily cause experimental rabbits to increase urinary volume.
Perilla Leaf
Traditional Uses Induces diaphoresis, dispels heat, moves chi to relieve intestinal gas, removes fish and crab toxins, strengthens the stomach, for cold distention and fullness
Scientific Research - animals (1) Sleep-prolonging purpose: The extract increases the duration of sleep. (2) Antipyretic purpose: The liquid extract has a slight antipyretic purpose on febrile rabbits injected with typhoid vaccine. (3) Antibacterial purpose: In vitro, it inhibits the proliferation of staphylococcus bacteria.
Plantago Seed
Traditional Uses Regulates water metabolism, removes heat, clears vision, disperses phlegm.
Scientific Research - animals (1) Diuretic purpose: It increases the secretion of water, urea, sodium chloride, and uric acid. (2) Antitussive and expectorant purpose: It acts on the center controlling breathing, and increases the secretion of mucus, thus exerting expectorant action.
Platycodon Root
Traditional Uses Ventilates and smoothes the lungs, disperses cold, resolves phlegm.
Scientific Research - animals (1) Expectorant purpose: It promotes salivary and bronchial secretions. (2) Antilussive purpose: The 20%decoction treats coughing in mice caused by ammonia. (3) Antibacterial purpose: In vitro it is bacteriostatic to fungi, for example tinea alba. (4) Other purposes: Crude platycodon exertsits tranquilizing,analglgesic, and antipyretic properties by inhibiting the central nervous system: it also possesses anti-inflammatory, vasodilating, and hypotensive actions.
Polygala Root
Traditional Uses Tranquilizes spirit, removes phlegm, excessive dreaming, due to cold-phlegm or damp-phlegm
Scientific Research - animals (1) Nauseant and expectorant purpose: Its saponin content can irritate gastric mucosa, causing slight nausea and reflex bronchial secretion. This purpose is weak, but patients with gastritis and gastric ulcer should avoid using it. (2) Antibacterial purpose: The ethanol extract markedly inhibits, Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella dysenteriae, and Bacillus tuberculosis. (3) Other purposes: It has hemolytic action. The aqueous extract increases uterine contraction and muscle tone in experimental animals.
Polygonatum Rhizome
Traditional Uses Supplements the stomach and spleen, replenishes chi, tonifies spleen, moistens lungs, nourishes sperm and bone marrow, for General deficiency and impairment.
Scientific Research - animals (1) Hypoglycemic purpose: Rabbits given the extract orally manifest a blood sugar level which first gradually rises and then falls. (2) Hypotensive purpose: The extract lowers the blood pressure of anesthetized animals. (3) Antibacterial purpose: The extract inhibits the growth of Bacillus typhi and Staphylococcus aureus. (4) Antifungal purpose: The extract inhibits the growth of dermatophytes.
Traditional Uses Promotes diuresis, eliminates dampness, strengthens spleen, harmonizes the middle warmer, tranquilizes the heart, soothes the nerves, and pacifies the spirit
Scientific Research - animals (1) Diuretic purpose: Animal studies show it has a diuretic purpose, presumably by inhibiting the reabsorption of renal tubules, thus increasing the secretion of sodium, potassium, and chloride electrolytes. (2) Nutritive purpose: Its nutritive constituents enhance the spleen and tonify the middle part of the body. (3) Tranquilizing purpose: It has a calming action. (4) Other purposes: It decreases blood sugar level, relaxes the extirpated intestines of rabbits, and slightly lessens the formation of gastric ulcer.
Red Peony Root
Traditional Uses Cleanses heat, cools blood, invigorates blood circulation, disperses stagnancy.
Scientific Research -- animals (1) Tranquilizing purpose: It inhibits the central nervous system, producing a tranquilizing action. (2) Analgesic and anticonvulsive purposes: It suppresses abdominal pain caused by spasms of the smooth muscle of the small intestine. (3) Antibacterial purpose: In vitro it inhibits dysentery bacteria and Staphylococcus aureus. (4) Antiviral purpose: It inhibits the virus causing epidemic common cold. (5) Coronary artery-dilating purpose: The aqueous extract dilates the coronary arteries.
Rehmannia Root
Traditional Uses Clears up heat, cools blood, nourishes yin and blood, for dark red tongue, fever due to yin deficiency, dry mouth, throat and lips, dry stool and thirst
Scientific Research - animals (1) Hemostatic purpose: Animal studies show that the extract hastens the coagulation of blood. (2) Cardiotonic and diuretic purposes: The extract is cardiotonic to a dysfunctioning heart because of its purpose on cardiac muscle and ability to dilate renal blood vessels; therefore it also possesses a diuretic purpose. (3) Hypoglycemic purpose: The extract when given orally to rabbits lowers their blood sugar level, while its methanol extract lowers the blood sugar level of mice having alloxan-induced diabetes.
Reishi Mushroom
Traditional Uses Nourishes, supplements, tonifies, removes toxin, astringes, disperses accumulation, for Deficiency in elderly persons
Scientific Research - animals (1) Antitussive and expectorant purposes: The ethanol extract or aqueous extract when injected peritoneally into mice inhibits the central nervous system and produces antitussive and expectorant actions. (2) Hypotensive purpose: Intraperitoneal injections of the extract into anesthetized rabbits and dogs lower their blood pressure and increase their urine volume. (3) Antihepatic purpose: Carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic mice when fed with the ethanol extract at a dosage of 10 g/kg for eight days have fewer symptoms associated with hepatitis. (4) Antibacterial purpose: It is bacteriostatic to Bacillus pneumoniae, staphylococci, and streptococci bacteria.
Royal Jelly
Royal jelly is probably the most mysterious of all the products of the beehive. Just about everyone has heard of royal jelly, if only as an ingredient in luxurious skin-care products. But chances are you don't know much about it as a hormone-rich dietary supplement. Royal jelly is one of Nature's best-kept secrets. In fact, because royal jelly is fed directly from a worker bee to the queen bee, most beekeepers never have an opportunity to see or taste the royal milk. Nurse bees between five and fifteen days of age secrete royal jelly. In the nursing phase of their development, worker bees practically force-feed themselves near to bursting with an incredibly rich diet of bee pollen and honey. The queen bee drinks her fill of royal jelly directly from the nurse bees' hypopharyngeal glands, located on either side of the nurse bees' heads.
What is Royal Jelly Royal jelly is a thick fluid, creamy in consistency, milky white in appearance. It is synthesized in nurse bees' bodies during the digestion of bee pollen, which helps account for its remarkable quantities of hormonal substances and the strong proteins found in its highly nitrogenous composition. It has a pungent odor. The queen bee obviously thinks royal jelly is delicious, but humans find it very tart and bitter on the tongue. Royal jelly is fed to the queen bee for the whole of her life. This rich royal milk plays an absolutely essential role in the making of a queen. Queen bees are made, not born. Eggs to be reared as queens are laid in specially prepared, super-size brood cells that look rather like peanut shells. But the eggs deposited therein by the queen mother of the hive are identical to those eggs that are destined to become the sexless worker bees of the hive. They are not genetically superior in any way. Worker bees, denied royal jelly except for three short days during the larval period, are the sexless laborers of the hive.
The Composition of Royal Jelly Royal jelly is very complex. A broad chemical analysis reveals that it has a moisture content of 66.05 percent; a protein content of 12.34 percent; lipids, 5.46 percent; reducing substance, 12.49 percent; minerals, .82 percent; and unidentifiable elements, 2.84 percent. And here we are again looking at the ìmagic" of the bee. As with bee pollen, science still hasn't been able to completely identify and isolate all the important constituents of royal jelly, let alone synthesize a satisfactory substitute in the laboratory. We know royal jelly is exceptionally rich in natural hormones and offers an abundance of the B vitamins ñ including thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, inositol, and folic acid ñ and vitamins A, C, and E. With twenty amino acids, royal jelly is a highly concentrated source of rich proteins, including cystine, lysine, and arginine. It provides important fatty acids, sugars, sterols, phosphorus compounds, and acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is important in the transmission of nerve messages and assists in the production of glandular secretions. Royal jelly is rich in nucleic acids, which in royal jelly include DNA and RNA, the very stuff of which life is made. Gelatin, one of the precursors of collagen, is another component of royal jelly. Collagen is a powerful anti-aging element that keeps us youthful. The presence of gamma globulin, an infection-fighting and immunostimulating factor, has been documented in royal jelly. Not surprisingly, royal jelly also contains decanoic acid, which exhibits strong antibiotic activity against many bacterial and fungal infestations. If royal jelly did not have this built-in antibiotic factor, science points out, the nutritive richness of the royal milk would provide an excellent growing medium for all kinds of harmful microbes. Mother Nature takes care of her own. Before we examine the scientific studies on royal jelly, let's look at the role this nutritively dense royal milk plays in the hive. During the first three days of larval development, baby bees destined to become workers of the colony are fed a diluted form of royal jelly ñ the royal milk liberally mixed with honey. This rich brood food is supplied so generously, the tiny young larvae actually lie in a pool of it within their individual brood cells. The mass feeding of royal jelly comes abruptly to an end after three days. The quality of brood food changes, and the quantity supplied is reduced sharply. During the remainder of their larval development, baby worker bees are fed bee bread (bee pollen) and honey. Food is given as needed. During the final stages of larval life, the development of the worker-larva's sex glands is suppressed. Her sex glands will remain immature and useless for the whole of her life. However, her hypopharyngeal glands, the glands that will secrete the royal jelly to feed the queen, mature and develop fully. Should royal jelly, even in diluted form, continue to be supplied to these baby workers, a queen would be produced.
The Rearing of a Queen Throughout her entire larval and pupal periods, a future queen is supplied with highly nutritive, hormone-rich royal jelly. Nurse bees instinctively supply abundant royal jelly to the larvae deposited in the peanut-shaped queen brood cells past the three-day period of mass feeding of royal jelly to all larvae.
Rubus Fruit
Traditional Uses Supplements liver and kidneys, astringes sperm, inhibits urine secretion, for involuntary emission
Scientific Research - animals Antibacterial purpose: In vitro it inhibits the growth of Vibrio cholerae.
Traditional Uses Disperses accumulated phlegm, delivers water, cleanses heat.
Scientific Research - animals (1) Anticoagulant purpose: The anticoagulant constituent possesses the same anticoagulation action as that of heparin and is not easily decomposed by heat. (2) Antifungal purpose: The aqueous extract inhibits various dermatophytes in vitro. (3) Hypotensive purpose: It lowers blood cholesterol level and blood pressure.
Saussurea Root
Traditional Uses Promotes chi circulation, relieves distention,harmonizes the stomach, for Stomach… due to perverted flow of liver chi
Scientific Research - animals (1) Antibacterial purpose: Aucklandia lappa possesses the strongest inhibitory purpose on various staphylococci, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, and Bacillus typhi. (2) Regulating the intestine and analgesic purposes: The extract of A. lappa acts on the nervus. vagus, stimulates the large intestine, increases peristalsis of the large intestine, and moderates pain and gas inside the gastrointestinal tract. (3) Anthelmintic purpose: The alantolactone content" in Inula helenium possesses stronger anthelmintic action than santonin; however, it is quite bitter and can cause vomiting. (4) Hypotensive purpose: The aromatic extract of Aristolochia debilis or A. contorta possesses a pronounced hypotensive purpose. Its toxicity is lower than that of the fruit of Aristolochia debilis. The hypotensive action is strong and lasts for a long time.
Schisandra Fruit
Traditional Uses Actions; Astringes the lungs, nourishes the kidneys, promotes secretion of fluids, controls seminal emission due to deficiency of the lungs. dryness in the mouth and thirst.
Scientific Research - animals (1) Central nervous system-stimulating purpose: It excites the central nervous system and increases brain efficiency, and regulates the cardiovascular system to improve blood circulation. The tincture of the herb is most potent as compared to other kinds of extract. The ether extracts possess tranquilizing actions because gomisin A inhibits the central nervous system. (2) Antitussive and expectorant purposes: The ether extract possesses these actions. Gomisin A has antitussive action. (3) Purpose on the uterus: It stimulates uterine smooth muscle, causing an increase in uterine rhythmic contraction (4) Antibacterial purpose: The decoction possesses strong inhibitory action on Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus dysenteriae, Bacillus typhi, and Staphylococcus aureus. (5) Cardiotonic purpose: The tincture is cardiotonic to the frog heart both in vitro and in viva, and causes stronger contractions and more complete relaxation. (6) Other purposes: Schizandrin possesses analgesic action, inhibits gastric secretion, and promotes bile secretion; Gomisin A markedly inhibits the rising values of (GOT and GPT in serum due to liver dysfunction.
Traditional Uses Dispels wind, resolves surface...
Scientific Research - animals (1) Sudorific and antipyretic purposes: The decoction has an antipyretic purpose on an animal in which a fever is artificially induced. (2) Antibacterial purpose: In vitro, it inhibits the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (3) Antiphlogistic purpose: It stimulates the degradation and absorption of diseased tissue of the skin. (4) Hemostatic purpose: It shortens blood coagulation time.
Scrophlaria Root
Traditional Uses Nourishes yin, dispels heat, purges fire, removes toxin, for impairment of yin.
Scientific Research - animals (1) Vasodilating purpose: The extract dilates blood vessels, stimulates blood circulation, and possesses antiphlogistic purposes. (2) Hypotensive purpose: The aqueous extract lowers blood pressure. It is especially purposeive in renal hypertensive cases. (3) Antipyretic purpose: The constituent P-methoxycinnamic acid possesses this purpose. (4) Other purposes: Experiments also show that it has hypogiyccniic, antifungal, hemolytic, and topical stimulation purposes.
Scutellaria Root
Traditional Uses Cleanses heat, dries moisture, purges fire, removes toxin, feeling of fullness
Scientific Research - animals (1) Antiallergic purpose: Baicalein and baicalin destroy the SH enzyme system of macrocytes, thereby inhibiting the release of antibodies and preventing an allergic response. Therefore it relieves dermatitis, asthma, and tracheal constriction due to allergy. (2) Purpose on the gallbladder: The extract increases the secretion of bile in dogs and rabbits. Baicalein is more purposeive than baicalin in this action while wogonin has no purpose. (3) Diuretic purpose: Baicalein is most purposeive in inducing diuresis, while wogonin is second and baicalin last. (4) Hypotensive purpose: Intravenous or intramuscular injection of the extract of baicalin lowers the blood pressure of anesthetized dogs, cats, and rabbits. It acts on the vascular receptors, thus directly dilating blood vessels and inducing hypotensive action. (5) Antibacterial purpose: In vitro, it inhibits Bacillus dysenteriae, Bacillus diptheriae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Diplococcus pneumoniae. (6) Antiviral purpose: In vitro, it inhibits the epidemic influenza virus PR8. (7) Antifungal purpose: In vitro, it inhibits various dermatophytes. (8) Tranquilizing purpose: Because baicalin inhibits the cortex of the mouse cerebrum, it suppresses the spontaneous activities of mice. (9) Antipyretic purpose: The extract lowers body temperature of rabbits with fevers induced by injecting typhoid vaccine, but other animal studies do not show this purpose.
Spiny Jujube Kernel
Traditional Uses Nourishes the liver, calms the heart and spirit, and reinforces yin, for Fidg. due to deficiency
Scientific Research - animals (1) Sedative purpose: It inhibits the central nervous system and exerts stable sedative action. The raw seed is much more potent that its fried seed, which has lost its oily component and thus does not have sedative action. There is a report that the aqueous component has sleep-inducing properties. (2) Hypotensive action: Animal studies have indicated that it causes a persistent lowering of blood pressure. (3) Uterine purpose: Because it stimulates the uterus, pregnant women should take care in using it. (4) Other purposes: It causes a blockage of nerve impulses.
Tang Kuei Root
Traditional Uses Supplements and moves blood, moistens intestines, regulates menses, deficiency of blood, chest and abdominal
Scientific Research - animals (1) Uterus-regulating purpose: Tang-kuei has both stimulating and inhibiting actions on uterine muscles. Experiments indicate that its non-volatile water-soluble compounds stimulate uterine muscle, while its volatile oil inhibits uterine muscle, producing a relaxing action. Therefore, to cause the uterus to contract the herb should be decocted for a long period of time to get rid of the volatile oil. If the uterus is to be relaxed then the herb should be put into the decoction later (that is, the other herbs should be decocted first for some time before tang-kuei is added and it should be boiled over a low flame to prevent loss of the volatile oil). Animal studies show that the uterus upon being pressed will exhibit irregular contractions, but after adminstration of tang-kuei the uterus will contract regularly. This means that tang-kueican regulate the function of the uterus and that is most probably the mechanism of tang-kueiís ability to treat menorrhagia. Mice given feed containing 5% tang-kuei have higher DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) content in their uteri, have higher glucose metabolism, and thus have a higher multiplication rate of uterine tissue. (2) Purpose on metabolism and secretion: Mice fed with 5% tang-kuei feed have a higher metabolic rate, and show an increase in oxygen consumption by the liver. Though the vitamin B12 content is low in tang kuei, the vitamins may nevertheless be responsible for its hematinic action. The extract protects the liver and prevents a decrease in liver sugar in mice with acute hepatitis induced by carbon tetrachloride. In experiments with mice, the herb acts against vitamin E deficiency, which may be related to its fetus-stabilizing purpose. (3) Sedative purpose: The volatile oil inhibits brain activity, thus having the purpose of sedation. (4) Diuretic purpose: Tang-kuei promotes urine excretion. (5) Antibacterial purpose: In vitro, it inhibits Bacillus dysenteriae, E. coli. Streptococcus haemolyticus and other bacteria.
Tangerine Peel
Traditional Uses Regulates chi, strengthens spleen, dries moisture, transforms phlegm, for Turgid chest and abdomen...
Scientific Research - animals (1) The herb is used as a stomachic, expectorant, and antiemetic and can regulate the intestine. (2) Hemostatic purpose: Both hesperidin and rutin (quercetin) possess vitamin P-like activities that strengthen capillaries and decrease bleeding. (3) Antibacterial purpose: In vitro the extract inhibits staphylococci. (4) Other purposes: The extract increases blood pressure, stimulates the heart, inhibits gastrointestinal and uterine activities, and slightly inhibits urinary excretion.
Trichosanthes Fruit
Traditional Uses Moistens the lungs and intestines, resolves phlegm, for Thirst due to dry throat
Scientific Research - animals (1) Antibacterial purpose: In vitro, it inhibits Escherichia coli, typhoid bacteria, and dysentery bacteria. (2) Anticancer purpose: Animal studies indicate that it has definite inhibitory actions but not a high inhibitory rate on tumors and ascitic carcinoma.
Trichosanthes Root
Traditional Uses Cleanses heat, moistens dryness, promotes secretion of fluids, quenches thirst
Scientific Research - animals (1) Blood sugar-lowering purpose: Clinical studies indicate that diabetic patients taking a decoction containing trichosanthes as its main ingredient have markedly lowered blood sugar levels. (2) Anticancer purpose: In vitro it inhibits cancer cells. (3) Abortifacient purpose: In mainland China, trichosanthes has recently been used-clinically to induce abortion.
Tubuo Angelica Root
Traditional Uses Removes wind-dampness, promotes circulation of meridians, expels dampness,due to dampness, wind, and cold, weak in the hands and feet.
Scientific Research -animals (1) Tranquilizing and sleep-inducing purposes: Oral administration or i.p. injection of the extract in mice and rats produces sedating and sleep-inducing actions. (2) Analgesic purpose: Experiments using the hot-plates method show that it has analgesic purposes on mice. (3) Antiarthritic purpose: It reduces inflammation of the joints induced by formaldehyde in rats. (4) Hypotensive purpose: Injection of the extract into anesthetized dogs or cats dilates their blood vessels and reduces their blood pressure.
Unripe Bitter Orange Fruit
Traditional Uses Moves chi, dissipates accumulations, for Accumulation of phlegm in region, accumulation in the chest, feeling of fullness in upper abdomen, retention of poor digested food.
Scientific Research - animals (1) Stimulation of gastrointestinal functions: The extract markedly inhibits extirpated rabbit intestines and the gastrointestinal system of anesthetized dogs, but it stimulates gastrointestinal motor activities in humans (this explains why clinically the extract is used to increase digestion). (2) Contraction of the uterine muscle: The extract stimulates the rabbit uterus and rabbit extirpated uterus by increasing the tonicity and contraction of the uterine muscle. (3) Purgative purpose: This purpose is thought to be related to the flavonoid content of the aqueous extract. (4) Other purposes: The aqueous extract increases blood pressure. At low dosages, it increases contraction of extirpated toad heart, while at high dosages it decreases contraction. The aqueous extract slightly inhibits urinary excretion in anesthetized dogs and induces contraction of toad blood vessels.
Unsalted Fermented Soybean
Traditional Uses Dispels exterior condition, relieves fidgets.
Scientific Research - animals Stomachic purpose: The enzyme-like activities help digestion an tonified the stomach.
Vitex Fruit
Traditional Uses Disperses wind-heat, cleanses head and eyes, for Heaviness of the head.
Traditional Uses Supplements liver and kidneys, strengthens tendons and bones, dispels wind-dampness.
White Peony Root
Traditional Uses Supplements blood, alleviates sudden onset ,due to yin-deficiency
Scientific Research - animals (1) Antispasmodic and analgesic purposes: In experiments using extirpated rabbitsí intestinal tracts and tests on smooth muscle of unextirpated ratsí stomach and uterus, it has been shown to lower the tonicity of the muscles and inhibit activities. (2) Sedative purpose: Paeoniflorin inhibits the central nervous system. (3) Antibacterial purpose: It possesses quite pronounced antibacterial action on Staphylococcus aureus and Shigella dysenteriae. (4) Other purposes: Preliminary experiments show that the herb inhibits gastric secretion and prevents the development of gastric ulcers due to nervousness in rats Clinical observation indicates that the herb inhibits diaphoresis and diuresis.