Health Topic / Gastrointestinal Disorders / Promoting Optimal Health w – newvita

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Health Topic / Gastrointestinal Disorders / Promoting Optimal Health with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Posted by Dr. Luke on

What are the signs and symptoms?

It is not uncommon for people to experience a range of signs and symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders and suffer for years without a proper diagnosis. Gastrointestinal disorders affect the digestive tract starting from the mouth to the anus and can be mildly inconvenient, chronic, or even life-threatening.

Structural gastrointestinal diseases are those where your bowel looks abnormal upon examination and also doesn't work properly. Sometimes, the structural abnormality needs to be removed surgically.

Common examples of structural GI diseases include: Acid Reflux, Bloating, Upset Stomach, Constipation, Irritable bowel syndrome, Hemorrhoids, Anal fissures, Perianal abscesses, Anal fistula, Diverticulosis, Colorectal cancer, and Colitis.


Constipation makes it hard for you to have a bowel movement, the stools are infrequent, or incomplete. Constipation is usually caused by inadequate "roughage" or fiber in your diet, or a disruption of your regular routine or diet.

You can treat your constipation by: 1) Increasing the amount of fiber and water to your diet. 2) Exercising regularly and increasing the intensity of your exercises as tolerated. 3) Moving your bowels when you have the urge (resisting the urge causes constipation).

If these treatment methods don't work, the most common treatment is laxatives.

products for constipation

American Herbal Laboratories, Inc. has successfully developed Lung Ease + De Constipation + Immuny 5, which are made from 100% natural herbs. These premium herbal supplements support and promote optimal health of your GI when coping with constipation.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome, also called spastic colon, irritable colon, IBS, or nervous stomach, is a functional condition where your colon muscle contracts more or less often than “normal.” Certain foods, medicines and emotional stress are some factors that can trigger IBS.

Symptoms of IBS include:

Abdominal pain and cramps.
Excess gas.
Change in bowel habits such as harder, looser, or more urgent stools than normal.
Alternating constipation and diarrhea.

Treatment includes:

Avoiding excessive caffeine.
Increasing fiber in your diet.
Monitoring which foods trigger your IBS (and avoiding these foods).
Minimizing stress or learning different ways to cope with stress.
Taking medicines as prescribed by your healthcare provider.
Avoiding dehydration, and hydrating well throughout the day.
Getting high quality rest/sleep.

products for ibs

American Herbal Laboratories, Inc. has successfully developed Lung Ease + Immuny II, Immune Cream, which are made from 100% natural herbs. These premium herbal supplements support and promote optimal health of your GI when coping with Irritable bowel syndrome.


Hemorrhoids are dilated veins in the anal canal, structural disease. They’re swollen blood vessels that line your anal opening. They are caused by chronic excess pressure from straining during a bowel movement, persistent diarrhea, or pregnancy. There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids develop inside the rectum, while external hemorrhoids develop around the anus.

Treatment for internal hemorrhoids includes:

Improving bowel habits (such as avoiding constipation, not straining during bowel movements and moving your bowels when you have the urge).
Your healthcare provider using ligating bands to eliminate the vessels.
Your healthcare provider removing them surgically. Surgery is needed only for a small number of people with very large, painful and persistent hemorrhoids.

Treatment for external hemorrhoids includes removing the clot and vein under local anesthesia and/or removing the hemorrhoid itself.

products for hemorrhoids
American Herbal Laboratories, Inc. has successfully developed Interstitial + 4 Bleed + Immuny II + Nice Breath + De Itch Herbal Cream, which are made from 100% natural herbs. These premium herbal supplements support and promote optimal health of your GI when coping with hemorrhoids.

Anal fissures

Anal fissures are also a structural disease. They are splits or cracks in the lining of your anal opening. The most common cause of an anal fissure is the passage of very hard or watery stools. The crack in the anal lining exposes the underlying muscles that control the passage of stool through the anus and out of the body. An anal fissure is one of the most painful problems because the exposed muscles become irritated from exposure to stool or air, and leads to intense burning pain, bleeding, or spasm after bowel movements.

Initial treatment for anal fissures includes pain medicine, dietary fiber to reduce the occurrence of large, bulky stools and sitz baths (sitting in a few inches of warm water). If these treatments don't relieve your pain, surgery might be needed to repair the sphincter muscle.

products for anal fissures
American Herbal Laboratories, Inc. has successfully developed De Itch Herbal Cream, which is made from 100% natural herbs. This premium herbal cream supports and promotes optimal health of your GI when coping with anal fissures.

Perianal abscesses

Perianal abscesses, also a structural disease, can occur when the tiny anal glands that open on the inside of your anus become blocked, and the bacteria always present in these glands causes an infection. When pus develops, an abscess forms.

Treatment includes draining the abscess, usually under local anesthesia in the healthcare provider’s office.

products for perianal abscesses
American Herbal Laboratories, Inc. has successfully developed Immuny II + 4 Pain Herbal Cream, which is made from 100% natural herbs. These premium herbal supplements support and promote optimal health of your GI when coping with perianal abscesses.

Anal fistula

An anal fistula, a structural disease, often follows drainage of an abscess and is an abnormal tube-like passageway from the anal canal to a hole in the skin near the opening of your anus. Body wastes traveling through your anal canal are diverted through this tiny channel and out through the skin, causing itching and irritation. Fistulas also cause drainage, pain and bleeding. They rarely heal by themselves and usually need surgery to drain the abscess and "close off" the fistula.

products for anal fistula
American Herbal Laboratories, Inc. has successfully developed De Itch Herbal Cream, which is made from 100% natural herbs. This premium herbal cream supports and promotes optimal health of your GI when coping with anal fistula.


The structural disease diverticulosis is the presence of small outpouchings (diverticula) in the muscular wall of your large intestine that form in weakened areas of the bowel. They usually occur in the sigmoid colon, the high-pressure area of the lower large intestine.

Complications of diverticular disease happen in about 10% of people with outpouchings. They include infection or inflammation (diverticulitis), bleeding and obstruction.

Treatment of diverticulitis includes treating the constipation and sometimes antibiotics if really severe. Surgery is needed as last resort in those who have significant complications to remove the involved diseased segment of the colon.

products for diverticulosis
American Herbal Laboratories, Inc. has successfully developed Immuny II + Lung Ease + De Constipation, which are made from 100% natural herbs. These premium herbal supplements support and promote optimal health of your GI when coping with diverticulosis.

Colon polyps and cancer

Colorectal cancer is the second most common form of cancer in the United States. Fortunately, with advances in early detection and treatment, colorectal cancer is one of the most curable forms of the disease. By using a variety of screening tests, it is possible to prevent, detect and treat the disease long before symptoms appear.

products for colon polyps and cancer
American Herbal Laboratories, Inc. has successfully developed Immuny II + Immuny 5 + Immune Up, which are made from 100% natural herbs. These premium herbal supplements support and promote optimal health of your GI when coping with colorectal cancer.


There are several types of colitis, which are conditions that cause an inflammation of the bowel. These include: Infectious colitis, Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, Ischemic colitis, and Radiation colitis.

Colitis causes diarrhea, rectal bleeding, abdominal cramps and urgency (frequent and immediate need to empty the bowels). Treatment depends on the diagnosis, which is made by colonoscopy and biopsy.

products for colitis
American Herbal Laboratories, Inc. has successfully developed Immuny II + Interstitial + Lung Ease, which are made from 100% natural herbs. These premium herbal supplements support and promote optimal health of your GI when coping with colitis.

Other alternatives

American Herbal Laboratories, Inc. has also successfully developed Meridian Energy Analysis Systems. It’s a valuable tool to assess how gastrointestinal disorders affect your organ energy functions.


Dr. Luke also highly recommends the use of newvita’s Nano Herbs Lights. It allows patients to achieve the results of acupuncture without the use of needles.

nano herbs lights

It enhances cell growth and rebalance the cell's DNA structure. Nano Herbs Lights’ main functions include: 700 conditions like slowing down the aging process, cosmetic improvement, scalp enhancement, pain management, meridian organ rebalance, immune system rebalance, and energy support for cancer patients.

uses of nano herbs lights

About Newvita 

new vita herbal supplements are made from 100% premium natural herbs harvested in America and Asia. They are manufactured in our US FDA registered facility in Los Angeles, California since 1994. They are prepared according to Dr. Luke Cua's proprietary methods that have been developed over forty years of clinical research using both traditional Chinese medicine and Nano technology.

new vita® promotes your health by restoring your body's physiological balance and harmony. It also improves your organ energy, slowdown aging process,and zest for life. Within a short period of time, your revitalized state should become apparent with marked improvement in your appearance, disposition, physical strength and emotional well-being.


Disclaimer: This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please follow CDC prevention guidelines and recommendations.

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